maandag 30 maart 2009

Chiffon cake

Es campur...segeeerr

Strawberry cheese cake

Tiramisu versi thata's taste

Orange cheese cake

Bread pudding with apricot

Layered puding

♥ liquid (strawberry/ banana/ chocolate milk or drinkyoghurt)
♥ gelatine leaves or powder
# 10 gr powder gelatine corresponds to 6 leaves of leaf gelatine
## per ½ lt liquid: use 6 leaves gelatine or 10 gr powder gelatine

♥ soak the gelatine in cold water for around 5 minutes and let it swell for a few minutes
♥ for gelatine leaves: then remove the swollen leaf gelatine from the water and carefully squeeze it out
♥ dissolve the swollen (squeezed) gelatine in a little pan on a low heat
♥ stir a few tablespoons of the cold mixture into the dissolved gelatine and only then add the rest of the cold mixture, then mix everything thoroughly
# Important! Always add the cold mixture to the gelatine and not vice versa

Layered Pudding
♥ pour the pudding into a glass in layer
♥ serve it with vla/ vanilla sauce

Steamed bolu a.k.a bolu kukus

♥ 3 eggs
♥ 300 gr granulated sugar
♥ 300 gr wheat flour, sifted
♥ ½ teaspoon vanilla
♥ 1 teaspoon emulsifier
♥ 125 cc soda water or soft drink
♥ food dye/ essence

♥ get the steamer ready
♥ line about 20 medium bolu kukus moulds with cuppaper or grease-proof paper
♥ mix al the ingredients together (except the food dye/ essence) and beat with the highest speed for about 5 minutes
♥ put 10 tablespoons batter in a bowl and add some food dye/ essence, mix well
♥ pour the white batter into moulds almost to the brim and add coloured batter until the brim
♥ put 7 moulds in the steamer and steam for about 15 minutes without opening the lid in the meanwhile

Sushi Workshop

Lagi ngajarin bikin tamago neh..
"gini lho caranya ngegulung sushi.... sambil diteken2 dikit nasinya"
menikmati bareng.."enak ya..?"

High tea by Thata's taste

High Tea (also known as Afternoon Tea) is a light meal typically eaten between 3pm and 5pm.
It originated in the United Kingdom, though various places that used to be part of the former British Empire also have such a meal.
However, changes in social customs and working hours mean that most Britons only take afternoon tea on special/formal occasions.
Traditionally, loose tea would be served in a teapot with milk and sugar.
This would be accompanied by various sandwiches (customarily cucumber, egg and cress, fish paste, ham, and smoked salmon), scones (with butter, clotted cream and jam) and usually cakes and pastries (such as Battenberg, fruit cake or Victoria sponge).
The food would be often served in a tiered stand.
While afternoon tea used to be an everyday event, nowadays it is more likely to be taken as a treat in a hotel, café, or tea shop, although many Britons still have a cup of tea and slice of cake or chocolate at teatime.
Accordingly, many hotels now market a champagne cream tea.

ini ibu hostnya....ini minuman pembukanya, smoothie dari yoghurt, pisang en jeruk..ini wortelcake with cream cheese frosting..yang bawah vegetable-dip, potongan paprika, ketimun, batang sledri besar, wortel yang dikasi saus cream cheese-yohurt..
ini kulit pastry isi sosis..ini spongecake tabur keju (tukang potonya salah kasi nama tuh =P)ini salmon roll filled with cream cheese..sandwich roll filled with vegetable-mango spread..rumhoorn filled with vla..ini moskovisch..kue coklat isi marshmallow, biscuit dan kacang2an..rak atas: rumballs
rak tengah: aneka bonbons
rak bawah: cappuccino cookiesmacem2..nah, ga ada High Tea tanpa teh donk..

zondag 29 maart 2009

Sexy Angels

Cupcakes buat ultah temen neh... idenya dari yang ultah, bahkan dia ikutan bantuin bikin =D
Step-by-stepnya coba kujelasin ya... sapa tau bisa buat ide =)
♥ cover cupcakes bunder biasa (10 gr) warna biru (critanya langit gitu....) trus tancepin aja angel nya diatasnya.
♥ badan: 20 gr fondant, bentuk bola, lalu lonjong, beri lekukan di tengah, 1/2nya tetap bulat 1 sisi (pantat) en 1/2 lagi dipipihkan (badan), bagian yang pipih rada ditarik keatas sedikit untuk leher, lalu tusukkan 1 buah tusuk gigi (panjangnya pas) yang nongol dikit pada bagian leher dan bawah, tancapkan pada cupcake
♥ payudara (putingnya *maap* pake mesyes): 3 gr bagi 2, bentuk bola, tempel pada dada

♥ baju: aku pake mexican paste (fondant yang biasa untuk bikin bunga, alias bisa tipiiiiiiiiiiiiiis banget tanpa robek), jadi giling tipis setebel 1/2 - 1 mm (iya.. mm, milimeter, kayak kulit martabak asin itu tuuuh), cetak pola pake spons, trus potong kotak kira2 4 x 7 cm en lilitin di tubuhnya
♥ kepala: 5 gr, bulat lonjong, gambar muka, lem dan tancapkan ke badan
♥ lengan: giling fondant panjang diameter 5 mm, potong2 sepanjang 3.5 cm, bikin pergelangan tangan dengan bantuan tusuk gigi yang digiling2kan ke lengan, pipihkan bagian tangannya, tempel di badan
♥ rambut: cetak pake sugarcraft gun♥ sayap: cetak pake cookie cutter bentuk kupu2, bagi 2, olesi dengan edible glitter, keringkan dulu sebelum ditempel, jadi bisa bikin sayapnya duluan sebelum mulai bikin apa2, tempel di pundak (ini yang rada nyebelin karena susah nempel, pada jatoh2 tapi dengan kesabaran ya lama2 nempel juga =P)
♥ lingkaran atas kepala: aku bikin dari kawat bunga yang ditancepin di kepalanya
♥ awan: aku tempel arum manis pake piping gel juga (kalo ga di lem jatoh2), ini kesalahan besar neh btw, dasar ga mikir... akhirnya itu arum manis sampe tempatnya kempes smua.. tapi untung bawa arum manis lagi jadi masi bisa tempel lagi disono
♥ yang dipegang itu critanya bunga tapi ala cepat jadi cuman pake kawat en fondant merah bentuk teardrop

Japanese cheese cake

Steamed brownies

Swiss roll

Aneka cookies

Dentist on The Tooth

Cake temen buat ultah suaminya yang juga dokter gigi.
Mereka abis dapet baby juga, makanya ada gambar baby en mamanya =)
Cakenya pake lapis malang juga. Potong sesuai gambar...Oles seluruh permukaan dengan buttercream..Lapisi dengan fondant, bagian samping melingkar, lalu bagian atas sendiri [potong sesuai bentuk]Bikin figurinenya.. critanya pak dokter lagi pegang tang untuk cabut gigi tuh ^^